What People Are Saying About Us

Don’t just take it from us, let our patients do the talking!

“I was having a heavy, tight, squeezing feeling in both my feet up to my ankles. After about 3 months of daily treatments the tight/ squeezing feeling diminished- probably about 40%. I can actually feel hot concrete now when I walk barefoot around our swimming pool.
I would definitely recommend Aspiring Health Clinic to anyone with Neuropathy. Dr. Zac and his staff are very knowledgeable and caring.”
– Robert

“I started having balance issues along with numbness- no pain yet when I first came to Aspiring Health. After about 5 treatments my balance seemed to be getting better when I would go up and down my stairs in the house. I also began to feel REAL pain when I stepped on a tiny object on the floor. I seem to feel an almost phantom sense of returning to my feet in general. My primary doctor couldn’t believe I was starting to feel my feet. She did her own sensory exam and was shocked at my progress. Aspiring Health Clinic has helped in many ways. I am so grateful!”
– Willa

“Discovering Aspiring Health has been a very rewarding experience. After being told there was nothing I could do about the developing neuropathy in my feet, Dr. Zac has proven otherwise. After being on the program nearly four months now, I can honestly say there has been major improvement. Dr Zac is very knowledgeable and takes time to explain what is happening, as far as how the problem begins, and what the treatment does for it. He and his staff are amazing and I would highly recommend them to anyone who has neuropathy, to at least visit Aspiring Health and see if their problem can be successfully treated.”
– Bob

“When I started coming to the clinic, I was in severe pain in my back and my shoulder. In the last 3 months I am feeling like a whole new person and have a new lease on life. Thank you Dr. Zac.”
– Larry

“When I entered the office I felt comfortable being assisted by Professional and helpful staff. I previously could not find a way to relieve the pain. At first I thought it was arthritis. Medications worked for a little bit but the pain in my hands/feet would always come back. Dr. Zac’s knowledge and explanation of diagnosis and treatment was very informative and helpful. After my treatments the tingling I was having slowly went away. After my program was finished I still do the at home instructions in hopes of fully reversing my neuropathy. THANK YOU DR. ZAC AND STAFF!”
– Carolyn